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Mahavir Janma Vanchan Mahotsav is the 5th day of Paryushan when all the Jains celebrate the 14 dreams that Trishala Mata (Mahavir Bhagwan’s mother) has when Lord Mahavir was to be born.

The 14 dreams, being the Elephant, Bullock, Lion, Goddess Lakshmi, Flower garland, Bright full Moon, Sun, Flag, Kalash/Pitcher, Lotus Lake, Milky white sea, Celestial Plane, Pile of gems and Smokeless fire – each symbolising the quality that the child would be possess.



VJSS has seen a quantum leap in participation of our Jains and its grandeurs of celebration. Since the onset our community has been ever-growing.

Click here to view Paryushan Maha Parva 2019 – Event Details